Bird-Free - The Solution to Your Bird Pest Management Needs

Bird-Free - The Solution to Your Bird Pest Management Needs

We are aware of the ever growing demand for bird management whether it be in town/city centres, historic building, railway stations etc. Birds can become a nuisance with their nesting, roosting and fouling in areas that should be kept clean or it is a danger to have birds residing nearby such as at a train station or a hospital. For this reason, we have started looking into different products that would be beneficial to our customer base to help with these issues.

What is Bird Free?

At ProGreen we are happy to now be stocking Bird-Free, the only bird repelling gel that is authorised for use in the UK by the HSE. This product has many unique properties making it a strong competitor to your standard forms of bird control. So, let’s discover more…

Bird Free easy to install dishes are an ideal form of bird pest control. The product itself was designed around the science of bird behaviour. Birds are an instinctive species, they are conditioned by their basic needs which are food and water, shelter, security from predators and warmth. From this information Bird-Free were able to develop a product that, by means of sensory stimuli, alters a birds instinctive responses.

It can:

  • Change a birds behaviour rather than acting as a physical barrier like netting
  • Cause long standing resident birds to abandon their habitats
  • Show immediate results
  • Eliminate extreme infestations
  • Lasts and is still effective for 5 years in all weather conditions
  • Cause no harm to birds

How does it work?

The bird deterrent Bird-Free is formulated by stimulating the three main senses of birds: sight, smell and touch. When all these senses are stimulated it creates an avoidance behaviour within the birds.


One of the benefits to this product is that it causes no harm to the birds that you are trying to control. Sight comes to play a large part into how the small dishes manage to control the birds. The gel mixture that the product is made up of contains pyranine, the same colouring agent that is used in the making of highlighters. When the gel is hit by UV radiation, the shine from the fluorescence causes the gel to glow with ultraviolet light. Despite being invisible to humans, when the birds see the UV light, it creates the impression that there is a fire on the area that they are placed. This then in turn causes the birds to avoid landing in that area.


As well as being a visual bird deterrent, the Bird-Free dishes contain peppermint oil which is a well-known bird repellent. The peppermint derivatives trigger an action on the olfactory and trigeminal nerve endings located in the bird’s nose, mouth and eyes. This causes an odd facial sensation for the birds which again will cause an aversion response.


While most birds will be deterred away from the site where the Bird Free dishes are placed because of the above reactions, the gel within the product is very sticky. Although, due to the high viscosity of the gel, the birds will not be harmed, they hate anything sticky being on their feathers, so if they touch it once they will never return again purely to avoid going near it.

See below a video of the Bird-Free dishes in action: