Timbrel/Woody revocation (contains Triclopyr)

Timbrel/Woody revocation (contains Triclopyr)

The loss of super strength Triclopyr in Timbrel & Woody (containing 480g/l Triclopyr) will deal a blow to customers wanting to control woody weeds in a range of situations.

Progreen has the following alternative products containing Triclopyr for woody weed control.

Kaskara: controls woody weeds including Ragwort, Brambles, Japanese Knotweed and Thistles in amenity grassland, permanent paddock grassland, forestry, embankments and non-crop areas. Use as a foliar or cut stump application.

Blaster Pro: controls perennial broad-leaved weeds including nettle, dock, bramble, thistle, broom and gorse in amenity grassland.

Grazon Pro: controls perennial broad leaved weeds including nettle, dock, thistle, bramble, broom and gorse in agricultural grassland e.g. paddocks.

Pastor: controls thistles, nettles and docks in established agricultural grass.

Thistlex: weed killer for control of creeping & spear thistles and weeds in established paddock grassland.

SBK Brushwood Killer 1LT or SBK Brushwood Killer (ready-to-use) 750ml: non professional use for brambles, nettles, dock, woody weeds and hardwood saplings in grass, can also be used on tree stumps.

For free technical advice call freephone 0800 032 6262 or email us

For more information on controlling tree stumps and woody weeds, click here