Weed Control Q&A

Weed Control Q&A

Why is it important to control weeds?

It is important to control weeds as not only do they ruin the appearance of a garden, they also steal space, light, nutrients and water from other plants. Weeds can also provide a host for pests and disease to thrive in while your garden plants die back for the winter or to infect new plants from when they are brought in. Certain weeds like thistles present a danger to yourself, and weeds like Japanese Knotweed and Ivy can cause serious damage your home.

What are annual weeds?

Annual weeds complete their life cycle within a year. They usually produce a large amount of seeds to spread aggressively and keep re-emerging. For this reason it is important to get rid of the weeds before the seeds are released. Thankfully they have shallow root systems which makes them easy to control.

What are perennial weeds?

Unlike annual weeds, perennial weeds have extensive tap root systems that can be extremely difficult to kill. They can re-emerge every year and regenerate from the smallest root fragment. A systemic weed killer containing glyphosate is the only sure fire way to remove them.

What is a residual weed killer and where should they not be used?

A residual weed killer stays active in the sol for several months helping to prevent new weed growth. These types of weed killers should not be used in areas that are used for planting or sowing without first consulting our technical advisors. They are typically used in places where long term weed control is needed such as on paths or drives, very specific residual herbicides can be used around existing planting however.

What are selective weed killers?

Selective weed killers, also referred to as lawn weed killers, are able to control broad-leaved weeds growing within grass without harming the grass itself.

What are the benefits of using a weed killer?

  • Highly effective and cost efficient way or removing unwanted plants.
  • Controls perennial/difficult weeds and can prevent growth of new weeds
  • Reduce competition with desired plants to help them establish and grow quickly and healthily.
  • Options to selectively control weeds within grass
  • Remove hosts of pests and disease. Especially important in cropped situations.

To find the perfect solution on how to deal with the weeds that you have, check out our various by problem pages.