What are the benefits of Lime and Sulphur Fertiliser?

What are the benefits of Lime and Sulphur Fertiliser?

Sulphur Fertiliser

Sulphur can be considered just as important as nitrogen because it is an essential nutrient and it needs to be available to plants, grass etc. for maximising grass growth. It plays a key role in plant and crop metabolism and it is vital for the formation of amino acids, a variety of vitamins, enzymes and plant proteins - everything healthy plants and turf need.

Sulphur emissions from burning coal have declined in the UK due to cleaner, greener power sources but it has led to sulphur deficiencies in crops and grassland that have become common and widespread. Signs of Sulphur deficiency include light, green colouring in typically larger/ older leaves with purple colouration on the leaf stems. Over time the light green colour can change to more of a deeper yellow and leave the stalk and leaf stems purple. Grass will appear pale and lack strength. These symptoms in grassland will affect grazing quality. Sulphur deficiency tends to occur when the pH is too high (alkaline) or calcium has been over-applied. If you are unsure about diagnosing a sulphur deficiency, a broad spectrum soil analysis will reveal the nutrients lacking or abundant in your soil.

Amvista Sul4 and Brimstone are both granular fertilisers that offer slow release sulphur prills to help correct sulphur deficiency in grassland and other crops. These products will help increase crop quality and crop yields, improve the efficient use of nitrogen (energy) in the plant and provide crops with a season long supply of sulphur. They contain 90% elemental sulphur in clay pastilles and will cover 1 acre (4000m2) with an application rate of 25-50 kg per hectare. The best time to apply these products is between March and October through a granular spreader.

Lime Fertiliser

Lime will help you balance the pH in soil by increasing the alkalinity in your grassland and crops. Plants and crops won’t be able to retrieve the nutrients they need from acidic soil. A soil pH below 6.0 is classified as acidic, 6- 7 is classified as neutral and above 7 is classified as alkaline.

The active ingredient in lime fertilisers is calcium carbonate. Calcium is essential for the growth of plants and grass – some crops or plants require more than others but it is essential for controlling temperature stresses.  Many fertilisers will contain some calcium, however, Calcifert Lime granules are a brilliant option if you need to reduce your soil acidity and they are even paddock friendly. The granules hold a high neutralising value of 54% meaning it has a faster pH change for a much smaller quantity than agricultural lime. They can be applied all year round and come in 25 Kg bags. Applying lime later in the year will mean that over the colder and wetter months it will dissolve and move through the soil helping correct soil acidity.

Before planting trees, plants, wildflower and grass seed it is beneficial to do a soil analysis  and correct pH early to minimise any negative effect on young growth.

In conclusion lime and sulphur fertilisers are extremely useful in helping correct pH levels, whether they be too high or too low, within the soil. If you still need help with knowing which you need, contact our technical team on 0330 165 5568 or email [email protected].