What is Bracken and Our Advice

What is Bracken and Our Advice

What is bracken?

Bracken is an extremely difficult plant to gain control of due to its extensive underground root systems. Usually found in woodland or heath land, this plant is considered a problem due to the fact that it out-competes more desirable plants, smothering and ultimately killing them. Alongside this issue, the fronds on bracken are poisonous to cattle and horses. The fronds are most toxic when newly emerged and as the plant ages the toxicity steadily reduces. As well as the plant itself being toxic to animals, the foliage harbours pests such as ticks, which can carry Lyme’s disease, and the spores can cause respiratory problems.

Although bracken is a danger, it is an important habitat for nesting birds and provides cover for mammals, amphibians and reptiles. As a result, bracken control should only be considered where it has become invasive or is presenting a risk to animal of human welfare.

Bracken Control

Where bracken needs to be controlled, it is important to note that an ongoing programme of treatment will be required rather than just a one-off spray. Asulox is a highly effective bracken control product, which works through the sprayed leaves into the rhizomes (roots) of the plant to prevent re-growth in spring. No spraying is allowed before July 1st and must only be attempted on fully expanded, green bracken in its full flush of growth – well before it naturally begins to yellow and die back (senescence).

Asulox offers selective control of bracken meaning it can be safely applied to bracken growing in grassland without risk to the grass. When Asulox is applied there is no immediate signs of die back, the results are only seen the following season when there will be reduced re-growth.

Asulox and its restrictions

The use of Asulox does come with some strict restrictions. The product is currently only available under an Emergency Authorisation which is reviewed annually. This means that the use and purchase of Asulox is limited to certain dates throughout the year (Please see below this 2022’s key emergency approval dates).

21st June 2022 Storage, promotion and transfer authorised
1st July 2022 Application of Asulox can commence
12th September 2022 Asulox can no longer be sold or applied but can be stored
28th October 2022 Asulox cannot be stored or transported after this date


As well as this, Asulox is also limited to application to designated conservation areas which have a statutory conservation designation (such as Sites of Special Scientific Interest or Areas of Special Scientific Interest) or Agri-Environment scheme agreement land, including:

  • Countryside Stewardship
  • Environmental Stewardship
  • Environmental Farming Scheme (Northern Ireland)
  • Agri-Environment Climate Scheme (Scotland)
  • Section 16 of the Environment (Wales) Act 2016 and Welsh Agri-Environment and Rural Development Programme grant schemes

Or where specific agreement for bracken control including the use of ‘Asulox’ has been made with Natural England, NatureScot, Natural Resources Wales or the Northern Ireland Environment Agency. To protect further protect sensitive mammals, application must not be made to areas where the hazel dormouse is known to breed.

All uses of Asulox MUST also be recorded, including information on when, where and how Asulox was applied. A digital form to submit this information can be found on the bracken control website or via the link here.  Only anonymous information will be supplied to the EA.

For more information on how to control bracken, take a look at our bracken By Problem page here