Moss on Hard Surfaces: ProGreen's Top Cleaners & Softwash Solutions

Moss on Hard Surfaces: ProGreen's Top Cleaners & Softwash Solutions

Mosses are quite incredible plants. They do not have roots like most other plants do, getting all of the nutrients they need from the air instead of the ground. They can survive periods of intense drought conditions that most other plants would struggle to survive.

The only problem with the resilience of these plants is that they appear everywhere. From patios to trees, roofs, brickwork and window frames, moss can establish itself practically anywhere it wishes. Removing it from hard surfaces is therefore a regular occurrence for those who like to keep their property looking its best all year round.

There are a variety of products on the market, all of which claim to clean moss from surfaces - but some are far more effective than others. In this guide, we're going to take a look at five of our most popular moss cleaning products, running through their key advantages. But first, let's go back to basics: how does moss form, and why is it so important to prevent it from spreading?

What causes moss to form?

As we touched on earlier, moss can grow in practically any location. All it really needs is sunlight and water; instead of relying on roots to spread, moss depends on male reproductive cells absorbing water, allowing them to reach the female cells to be fertilised.

In environments where there's plenty of moisture in the air, this process can take place at an alarming rate. Because moss gets all of its nutrients from the air, it can establish itself in practically any damp environment. It's very difficult to completely eradicate this plant too. Even after periods of drought, one decent rainfall will be enough to return it to full health once more.

When you remove moss, then, you're winning a battle - not a war. It will always find a way to return!

The importance of removing moss

Why is it important to remove moss? It might seem like there's an obvious answer to this question: because it's an eyesore. This is of course true, but there are other reasons that you may not have considered. First off, it's slippery. If you have moss growing on the ground, the area will be a slip hazard until the plant is removed.

Secondly, because moss holds so much moisture, this can eventually damage the surface beneath.

Getting started

In a moment, we'll run through five of our favourite moss cleaning and removal products. But in order to apply them correctly, you'll first need the right equipment. We offer a softwash starter kit, which includes everything you need to get started with each of the products listed below.

Our favourite cleaning products

Without further ado, here are five of our most popular products for removing moss from hard surfaces.

AlgoClear Pro

AlgoClear Pro 5L



A professional-grade, high-strength biocide cleaner that's perfect for rapidly cleaning moss, algae, mould and other biofilms. This super concentrated product has been designed to work on hard surfaces specifically. It's highly effective on slabs, roofs, driveways, tennis courts and more - and it doesn't contain bleach or ammonia.

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AlgoClear Domestic Use Softwashing Liquid



The domestic version of AlgoClear is less highly concentrated, but works in the same way. Like its professional-grade counterpart, it contains no bleach or ammonia, making it safe for use on a multitude of exterior hard surfaces.

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MAC Hi Power

MAC Hi Power 5 L



A powerful soft-washing product designed specifically for the cleaning of biofilm like moss, algae, mould and bacteria. MAC Hi Power is effective within four days and can prevent new moss growth for several months. And because it contains four times more of the active ingredient than its competitors, there's not need to scrub!

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MossOff Hard Surface Cleaner

MossOff Chemical Free Multi Surface 5L - Clears Moss & Algae on Hard Surfaces



If you have young children and/or pets, you'll love this chemical-free moss killer. Effective on a wide range of hard-surfaces, this concentrated cleaner works all year round and delivers long-lasting results.

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Finalsan Herbicide

Finalsan 10 L



An effective, non-glyphosate alternative, this popular weed and moss killer can be applied to patios, pathways, driveways and more. It works quickly to eradicate moss, but should be used with care as it's non-selective.

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