March Gardening Jobs

March Gardening Jobs

Finally we have reached March. A month filled with hope, new life and (fingers crossed) warmer weather! With it warming up ever so slightly, there are a few more jobs that need doing to make sure that your garden/land is in top condition. Take a look at our guide to find see what jobs should be completed over this month.

General tasks

Lawns / Turfed Areas tasks for March

Trees, Shrubs and Hedges

Beds and Borders

Wall Plants

  • Continue planting new-climbing plants if not finished last month


  • In the south where it is a bit warmer, you may be able to start planting summer-flowering bulbs such as gladioli and lilies

Managing Water Features in March

  • Many have a water feature in their gardens whether that be a pond or a small fountain. This is the ideal time to get it ready to use again by removing any dead stems, leaves and weeds that may have found their way into the pond/water feature over the autumn/winter
  • Replant aquatic plants as needed